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[공지] 사무실 이전 안내 2021.05.03 37282
13 Dr. Byung-Koo Kim of K.A.CARE visited SPC 2016.05.11 10185
12 CEO of SPC attended INEK 2016 held in Busan, Korea 2016.04.22 10413
11 Appointment of 4 Experts as Members of Advisory Group for SPC 2016.03.25 8944
10 SPC signed a MOU with KIMS for Technical Cooperation 2016.03.09 9808
9 Saudi Arabia signed PPE Agreement with South Korea for SMART 2015.09.02 9183
8 스마트(SMART) 원자로, 해외수출 첫 걸음 내딛다 2015.09.02 7397
7 Kyunghee University and SMART Power Co., Ltd. signed a MOU 2015.06.26 8130
6 BHI participates in SMART Power Co., Ltd. for SMART 2015.06.15 15435
5 KAIST and SMART Power Company signed a MOU 2015.05.26 8646
4 Korean style small and medium scale nuclear reactor "SMART" 2015.03.19 8454
3 Korea set to export homegrown reactor to Saudi Arabia 2015.03.03 9866
2 중소형 원자로 SMART, 해외 수출길 열리다 2015.03.03 8661
1 스마트파워(주), 소형 원전 ‘SMART’ 전담 법인 설립으로 본격 수출길 노크 2015.02.09 7682
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