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스마트파워(주), 김두일 대표이사 재선임 (Re-election of Dr. Josef Kim as a CEO of SMART Power Company)
Writer : admin(info@smart-nuclear.com)   Date : 21.01.01   Hit : 11388

스마트파워() 종로구 S타워 회사 회의실에서 주주총회를 열고 김두일 사장을 대표이사로 재선임하였습니다

김두일 사장은 독일 아헨공대에서 기계공학 박사학위를 취득하고, 독일원자력연구원과 한국원자력연구원의 연구원, Siemens 원자력 한국대표 Siemens Korea 경영고문과 한국원자력안전기술원 감사, 그리고 티유브이슈드 한국지역 대표이사를 역임했으며, 2014 12월부터 스마트파워() 대표이사를 맡아왔습니다


SMART Power Company held a shareholder's meeting and re-appointed Dr.Josef (Du-Ill) Kim as a President & CEO of the company. 

Dr. Josef Kim holds a Dr.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering from Aachen University of Technology in Germany. Dr. Kim comes with more than 30 years of industrial experience, especially in power and nuclear energy industry. Spending several years in the Forschungszentrum Julich in Germany and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in Korea as a senior researcher and manager, Dr. Kim worked in Siemens as a Korea Representative Director of Nuclear and senior advisor for top management of Siemens Korea. He also served as an auditor for Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and worked for TUV SUD Region Korea as a Presient & CEO. He has been the President & CEO of SMART Power Company since December 2014. 


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