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2nd 'SMART Steering Committee' Meetings Held on Dec. 21
Writer : admin(info@smart-nuclear.com)   Date : 16.12.26   Hit : 8067


President & CEO of SMART Power Company, Dr. Josef Kim, participated in the "2nd SMART Steering Committee" meeting which was held on December 21, in Seoul. As a member of Steering Committee, Dr. Kim and other Committee members reviewed the progress of the PPE (Pre-Project Engineering) project which is being jointly conducted between K.A.CARE and KAERI to export SMART to Saudi Arabia. The Steering Committee is held twice a year for the three-year PPE project period, providing a venue for discussing the overall plans and operation for the project, carry out mid-term reviews and result assessment, confirm budgets and financial reports, and other important agenda items.

During the meeting, Mr. Chun-Sun Paik, Head of the Engineering Department of SMART Power, presented the “Current status and plan for the preparation of the construction proposal” as a part of agenda. As a result of reviewing the project implementation status, Committee members agreed that the core tasks of nuclear reactor design, human capability building and construction preparation are being carried out more than originally planned. 

The SMART PPE project will be completed by preparing Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) that meets the design and international safety standards until 2018. After that, SMART 1 and 2 unit will be constructed in Saudi Arabia after reviewing by Saudi side.
The third Steering Committee Meeting will be convened next year in Saudi Arabia.


▲ Dr. Kim, second from left, took a celebrated photo with the participants after the meeting.





   ▲ Dr. Kim, second from right, discussed the topics with the Meeting participants


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